Saturday 7 January 2017

The Queen's Cold

My sister told me this morning that they're calling "the evil cold that will not die" The Queen's Cold. This is because poor Queenie was so sick over the Christmas period that she had to miss church and lots of other public duties. You know what, I really don't blame her. I for one wouldn't want to get all gussied up in my finery, wearing my best hat, just so you could go and cough and splutter all over everyone. Plus, she's like 90 and this evil cold makes you feel like crap at 41 so I would imagine by 90 you probably just want to stay in bed in your flannelette nightie. Get better soon, Ma'am. 

My sister also told me it lasts for 3 weeks. There is not an emoji in the world that conveys my reaction to this information. Cheers, sister dearest. 

Coughing, sneezing, whole body hurting, and repeat for the full day. 

We ended up getting Domino's cos neither of us could muster the energy to actually create anything in the kitchen that would be edible. 

The whole household are now incredibly sleepy and might as well just declare it bed time. Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow. Nite nite. 

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